Dillsboro Main Street has partnered with Eagle Country online to provide advertising at a discount.
You can purchase 15 second radio ads which run in the following time slots for one month.
- Monday- Friday 6:00 am - 7:00 pm (runs 24 times)
- Monday- Friday 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm (runs 6 times)
- Saturdays 6:00 am - 7:00 pm (runs 8 times)
- Saturdays 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm (runs 2 times)
Cost: $450.00
You can share a month with another business and only pay $225.00.
Each business would split the month in two - 1st to 15th or 16th - 31st.
Who creates the ad? You would work with the amazing talent at Eagle Country to help you write the ad. You can even do the voice over if you want! (Don't worry - they will do it for you if you'd prefer).
Can I use the whole month or do I need to share? We want to provide as much exposure as possible but you can use a full month if you want to (assuming it's available).
Is there a "pecking order" to who gets a particular time slot? Nope! First come - first served (though a number of time slots are reserved for major town events).
Payment is due to Dillsboro Main Street on the 1st of the month your ads will run. The fee is payable by check (credit card at https://dillsboro.in/mainstreet-marketing coming soon). For answers to more frequently asked questions, please see https://dillsboro.in/mainstreet-marketing or contact Leslie Sutherlin at 812-621-2455 or leslieinlibrary@gmail.com.
Download the Application
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dillsboro-mainstreet-advertising.pages.pdf | 162.69 KB |