Dillsboro Jazz Festival

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jazz festival
June 8th, 2024

Dillsboro Jazz 2024 brings Live Jazz to Dillsboro with Mandy Gaines and the Cincinnati Contemporary Jazz Orchestra

Dillsboro Arts is proud to present Dillsboro Jazz 2024, featuring a return engagement of internationally-known Jazz vocalist Mandy Gaines with the Cincinnati Contemporary Jazz Orchestra.

Dillsboro Arts Weekly Calendar

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dillsboro arts
Every Tuesday! 6:00pm - 8:00pm

Here is the weekly event listing for Dillsboro Arts:


1st Tuesdays: Music Circle

Bring a song. Bring an instrument. Share the music.

2nd Tuesdays: Writer's Group

Share your writing and ideas with other writers.

3rd Tuesdays: Life Drawing

Bring your favorite drawing materials, a few dollars to donate towards the model fee and see what emerges!