Our mission is to improve Dillsboro by revitalizing our business district, promoting community attractions and developing the economic tools needed to make downtown the heart of our community.
About Dillsboro Main Street.
Dillsboro Main Street, Inc. is a nonprofit organization focused on the growth, appeal and economic vitality of Downtown Dillsboro. Established in 2016 as Dillsboro Community Partnership, we are now registered with the State of Indiana as an official “Aspiring” Main Street partner.
Mission Statement
The Dillsboro Main Street fosters community pride, enhances and promotes growth and supports local businesses and organizations to strengthen the quality of life in our community.
Vision Statement.
Dillsboro will grow and develop a vibrant downtown through the support of volunteers, local businesses, partnering organizations and sponsors who share a desire to see a strong downtown that benefits the residents and visitors of our community.
Some History

Looking back….we have accomplished a lot…. With $5000 in seed money since 2015.
- Organized Farmers Market in 2015
- Launched Dillsboro Arts/Friendship Gallery - 2017 to Date
- Created CARE Team – 2018 to Date
- Hosted Bicentennial Torch Relay 2016 & Parade (4 years)
- Created Heritage Festival 2016 to Date
- Launched Veterans Walk via Heritage Festival 2017 to date
- Sponsored Dillsboro in Bloom (4 years)
- Sponsored Our Hometown Christmas - 2016 to Date
- Hosted ribbon-cuttings for new businesses
- Fundedindoor/outdoor sound system at Heritage Pointe
- QUIP Grant for Golden Ratio Project
- Downtown Development Celebration 2019
- Published DES Bicentennial Poetry book
- Received OCRA Grant for IMPACT Main Street/Market Analysis 2019
- Collaborated with Dillsboro Library and Indiana Humanities to host the Smithsonian Exhibit “Crossroads: Change In Rural America” - 2019
- Purchased hand-washing station for public events
- Moving to the Future:Streamlining Business After Covid 19- Small Business Assistance Program
- Granted the OCRA award for Promise Indiana
- Provided PPE for businesses when not available yet.
- Engaged Lowes Community Heroes to build The Porch
- Launcheda GriefShare program with CARE Team
- Purchased indoor/outdoor stackable chairs to be used at Friendship Gallery & events at The Porch
- Created Entrepreneurs and Small Business Assistance Committee& funded Façade grant program.Invested $7250. ROI $16,350.
- Planning Grant for Downtown Revitalization Plan
- Created Social Media pages for Farmers Market, Dillsboro Main Street, CARE Team, Dillsboro Community Park
- Collaborated with Dillsboro Family Market to organize USDA/Prairie Farms Free Milk Giveaway (2 times in 2021)
- Honored 1000’s of volunteer hours at Evening of Thanks (3 years)
- Hosted Y 2 Luv Dillsboro Showcase 2021
- Hosted Shop Small (3 years)
- Funded Economic Vitality Incentive for new business. 2021
- Started Munch-A-Lunch program at Community Park to “feed the body, mind and spirit”of our school children, daily, through the summer. 2021
- Most recently awarded the 2022 Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning Grant awarded by the Indiana Department of Health, Division of Nutrition and Physical Activity.
2024 Board
- President: Rod Martin
- Vice President: Thom Maltbie
- Treasurer: Melissa Walston
- Secretary: Carrie Miller
- At Large: Leslie Sutherland, Susan Greco
Working Groups
- Design
- Economic Vitality
- Organization
- Promotion
- Entrepreneurs & Small Business Assistance
- Downtown Revitalization
- Care Team
- Lunch-a-Munch
- Facade
- Historical Society*
- Dillsboro Arts*
(* now their own 501c3)
- The Main Street Approach is centered around Transformation Strategies. A Transformation Strategy articulates a focused, deliberate path to revitalizing or strengthening a downtown or commercial district’s economy.
- A program’s work on Transformation Strategies should be organized around the Four Points: Economic Vitality, Design, Promotion, and Organization.
- A revitalization program’s work – and its Transformation Strategies – need to be informed by a solid understanding of local and regional market data, and sustained and inclusive community engagement.
Events Created Through Main Street
- Y2 Love Dillsboro
- Dillsboro in Bloom
- Heritage Festival
- Car Show
- Veterans Walk
- Evening of Thanks
- Hometown Christmas
Main Street Fundamentals
What is Main Street?